Wednesday, November 28, 2012

EOC WEEK 9: THREE GREAT MISSION STATEMENTS I believe this mission statement is a good one because as you read it you can tell that the writer is targeting the adults that enjoy a snack while having an alcoholic beverage. It also mentions all flavors around the world so if a person is curious about different varieties from different parts of the world. Last is the part when the writer mentions about instant ice breakers. We all know everyone loves an ice breaker especially somewhere people like to socialize such as a bar with a snack, very good.  this mission statement is strong in a few areas. First is the product quality and that alone is strong to get customers interested. Another part is “unpeeled potatoes,” when I hear this, it tells me either they take time to peel they’re own potatoes or they get them already peeled which would catch the eyes of many also. Overall could have had a little more to offer but good enough to sell.  the main reason I actually enjoy and like this mission statement is because it is catchy. When you have statement that can catch the eye of your audience with a few words or word you have something special. It also mentions that this is a snack that one can enjoy during a game on television while having alcohol. Last the part where it says it will be stuck on your mind the whole time, that is literally what it is all about.

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